Renmin University of China

Renmin University of China (Renmin University of China) is a comprehensive human science and social science research-based national key university, directly under the Ministry of education, by the Ministry of Education and Beijing to build. The predecessor of the school was born in 1937 in the war of resistance against Japan in northern Shaanxi public school, and later North China United University and North China University.

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On December 16, 1949, the 11th Administrative Council of the Central People’s Government of the People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China adopted the Decision on the Establishment of the People’s University of China in accordance with the proposal of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. On October 3, 1950, the Renmin University of China, based on the merger of North China University, held a grand ceremony to become the first new formal university founded by the People’s Republic of China.

In the long-term practice in practice, the majority of teachers and students of the Renmin University of China uphold the “school for the people, the school serve the country,” the purpose of running a school, and always strive for the forefront of the times, always with the party and the state with the breath, the fate of diligence, hard work, To explore the truth, pragmatic, formed the “People’s Republic of builders,” the cradle of humanities and social science and higher education in the city and the Marxist teaching and research of the three high school characteristics, known as “China’s humanities and social sciences in the field of higher education Banner “for the development and prosperity of China’s philosophy and social sciences, for the socialist revolution, construction and reform made an important contribution to the cause. From 1950 to the present, the state has established key universities, Chinese people’s universities are among them. At present the school is the national “985 project” and “211 project” one of the key construction of the university.

Renmin University of China has long been formed under the undergraduate education, graduate education as the focus, continuing education as a supplement to the all-round, multi-level school pattern, forming a “backbone of liberal arts, science and technology science” disciplinary development system. The school is one of the first colleges in China to set up a graduate school. There are 26 teaching units (23 colleges and 3 research institutes), 25 inter-college research institutes, and the Ministry of Sports, Continuing Education, Suzhou campus, Shenzhen Research Institute.The school has 76 professional bachelor degree, master degree degree of 186 (of which 44 independent professional, interdisciplinary 9, professional degree 22), doctoral degree 125 (of which 39 independent professional, interdisciplinary 7 ). The school has a master’s degree in a discipline authorization 35, doctoral degree a discipline authorization 20, postdoctoral station 19.

As of December 2015, the school has 1836 full-time teachers, including 615 professors, 749 associate professors. The school has 19 members of the seventh session of the State Council Academic Committee and discipline review group members, 14 professors employed as the second session of the Ministry of Education Social Science Committee members, the number of national colleges and universities in the forefront; has 462 people enjoy the State Council issued a “government special Subsidy “; 54 experts selected the central” Marxist theory research and construction project “task group chief expert or key members, the number of candidates ranked first in the national university.

Campus Address:  No.59 Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China

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Mr. Arun Bapna +919001099110 (Also on WhatsApp, IMO & Viber)