Hebei University of Science & Technology

Hebei University of Science and Technology is the key construction of multi-disciplinary backbone of the University of Hebei Province, is located in the eastern foot of the capital of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province in 1996 by the former Institute of Light Industry, Hebei Electrical and Mechanical College, Hebei Textile Workers University merged, 2002 Hebei Textile Industry School incorporated. In 2013, the Hebei Provincial People’s Government and the National Defense Science and Technology Industry Bureau to build colleges and universities. The school covers an area of ​​2617 mu, building area of ​​896,000 square meters.

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The school has 75 undergraduate majors, involving engineering, science, culture, economics, management, law, medicine, education, art nine categories. Science and engineering, literature and history major in Hebei Province, a group of all undergraduate enrollments. With 16 master’s degree authorization of a discipline, covering 92 master’s degree authorized secondary disciplines. The school has six national characteristics of professional, seven provincial undergraduate education innovation heights, 14 provincial brand characteristics of professional. Two state-level experimental teaching demonstration centers, two national teaching teams, two national quality courses, a national bilingual teaching demonstration courses, a national quality video open class, a national boutique resource sharing class. Environmental engineering and other three selected national professional comprehensive reform pilot projects; monitoring and control technology and equipment, five selected for the Ministry of Education Excellence Project Pilot Program; chemical engineering and environmental engineering two professional certification through the National Engineering Education; 2 off-campus practice base (co-built) successfully selected state-level college students practice education base. In 2007, the school to “excellent” results through the Ministry of Education undergraduate teaching evaluation. In 2011, the Ministry of Education successfully selected the second batch of “Excellent Engineer Education and Training Program” colleges and universities.

The schools vigorously promote the personalized education and teaching reform, “local colleges and universities personalized education model construction and practice” research results won the national teaching achievement prize two. In 2016 the school was named the national innovation and entrepreneurial experience in the top 50 colleges and universities; was named “national college practice education innovation base”; “Founder space” was named the national public space, access to “national science and technology enterprises Incubator “title. Over the years, our students in the national college students “Challenge Cup” competition, energy-saving emission reduction competition, electronic design competition, aerospace model championships (scientific research), college robot competition, Germany “red dot design award” and other major events Success, the number of award-winning, provincial level are ranked the forefront of colleges and universities. Our school graduates for a job rate for many years among the top three provincial universities.

The school has nine provincial key disciplines, a provincial key development disciplines, three national defense specialties, provincial and ministerial level science and technology innovation platform 18. Over the past five years, he has undertaken more than 3,000 national and provincial research projects, including the national “973”, the National “863”, the National Science and Technology Major Project, the 863 National Natural Science Fund and the National Social Science Fund. Provincial and ministerial level awards 96; obtained 528 patents with independent intellectual property rights, 2015, in the Chinese university evaluation of patent technology transfer 100, our school ranked No. 58; “Hebei University of Science and Technology” “Hebei Industrial Science and Technology” Are the core journals of China’s science and technology, RCCSE China’s core academic journals, the Chinese University of outstanding scientific journals. “Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology” (Social Science Edition) for three consecutive years won the “National Journal of outstanding social science”, selected RCCSE Chinese core academic journals (extended version); school wide variety of achievement transformation and technology transfer, Hebei Province, “Hebei Province, the comprehensive prevention and control of environmental pollution prevention and control of collaborative innovation center” and “Hebei General Aviation by materials manufacturing collaborative innovation center”, and the Provincial Science and Technology Department, the Office of Environmental Protection to build “Hebei Air Pollution Prevention and Control Technology Research and Promotion Center”, joined the “Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei light industry colleges and universities collaborative innovation alliance”, “Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei textile and garment industry collaboration Innovation Union”, the school technology transfer center approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology as ” National Technology Transfer Model Agency “. The school actively organized the work of national defense science and technology, passed the national army standard quality system certification, completed more than 300 national defense industry achievements, won the army scientific and technological progress award 1, 3 prize 2, approved as ” Learning and research demonstration base. ”

The school has 78 local government and industry organizations, research units to establish a science and technology education cooperation, and more than 50 colleges and universities to establish a cooperative relationship, build more than 100 production and research base. Approved three undergraduate and a master’s degree Sino-foreign cooperative education project, in the enrollment scale, the number and level of projects are among the forefront of Hebei Province. Currently enrolled in 18 countries from overseas students, 7 major to achieve a full English teaching. Hebei Province, the first South Korea “Sejong School” settled in our school. In 2015 the school was rated as Hebei province introduction intelligence demonstration base.

Campus Address: 26 Yuxiang St, Yuhua Qu, Shijiazhuang Shi, Hebei Sheng, China

Contact for Admission & More Details

Mr. Arun Bapna +919001099110 (Also on WhatsApp, IMO & Viber)