Xiamen Medical College

Approved by the State Ministry of Education, the Medical College is founded on the 11th October 1996, with the supports and efforts of Xiamen CPC Committee and Municipal Government, Xiamen University and the overseas Chinese communities. It ends the era when there was no high medical education institution in the southwestern Fujian. The current Dean is Professor LIU Zuguo who is awarded as “Yangtze River Scholar” by the Ministry of Education while the Secretary of Party Committee is Mr. SHAO Pengfei.

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The Medical College now has  52 teaching and research institutions, 7 “A-level” tertiary affiliated hospitals, more than 20 teaching hospitals and internship bases, 6 national key clinical specialties, 1 state-level Medical Virtual Stimulation Experimental and Teaching Center, and 1 national “Undergraduate Teaching Project” of university students off-campus training base. Besides, the new direct- affiliated Xiang’an hospital is now under construction.

The Medical College has 214 teaching faculties  and administrative staff, 492 clinical teachers, 340 master and doctoral supervisors, and 290 associated professors and full professors. It particularly prides itself upon a number of distinguished faculties: 4 people are members of Chinese Academy of Science and Engineering, 6 are members of state-funded “QianRen Project”, 1 Distinguished Professor of “Yangtze River Scholar Project”, 6 professors awarded by “The National Natural Science Fundation for Distinguished Young Scholars”, 1 professors awarded by “The National Natural Science Fundation for Outstanding Young Scholars”, 4 members of “New Century Talents Project” awarded by the State Ministry of Education, 1 member of “National Thousands of Talents Project”.

The Medical College runs 4 bachelor degree programs (Clinical Medicine,Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nursing, and  Medicine of Bachelor/Bachelor of Surgery MBBS ), 3 master programs in Class 1 discipline (Clinical Medicine, Basic Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine), 1 doctoral program (Physiology) and 3 Post-Doctoral Research Centers. The Medical College now has an enrollment of more than 4000 students, including around 1400 undergraduates, over 600 postgraduates and doctorate students and over 2000 overseas correspondent distance learning students. We have 389 international students, among whom 335 students are enrolled in the MBBS Project (taught in English). In 2011, the Medical College started to recruit students of Clinical Medicine under –a consecutive ten-years “Bachelor-Master-Doctor Degree Program”. With the support of Lee Foundation, this program has built up the collaborative relationships with foreign universities on “exchange students” project. All the students in this program must go through strict selection and training sessions, which has attracted great attention across China.

In recent years, Medical College has acquired more than 70 major scientific research projects including national 863 Project, 973 Project and provincial research projects; has made more than 300 scientific research achievements, including 2 rewards of second prize in National Scientific and Technological Progress Award, 109 rewards of various provincial scientific research awards, and 1 reward of second prize in Chinese Medicine Award. Over 400 research articles are published and included in SCI. Besides, the college and many universities in other countries and regions jointly carry out frontier medicine researches, and hold important domestic and international academic meetings. At the same time, Medical College has signed a series of agreement on cooperation in education as well as exchange program. Until now, groups of students have conducted exchange programs abroad, such as in Switzerland and Singapore. Meanwhile, lots of overseas students are studying in the college now.

Campus Address: Chengyi Building, Xiang’an South Road, Xiang’an District, Xiamen China

Contact for Admission & More Details

Mr. Arun Bapna +919001099110 (Also on WhatsApp, IMO & Viber)