Harbin Medical University

Harbin Medical University is the original Harbin Medical University (China Medical pioneer Dr. Wu Liande in 1926 to create the Harbin Medical College, in 1938 changed its name to Harbin Medical University) and the original Xingshan (now Hegang City), China Medical University first, two (Formerly known as the Chinese Workers ‘and Peasants’ Red Army Health School, founded in 1931 by the Communist Party of China in Ruijin, Jiangxi Province).

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After 90 years of development and construction, the school has inherited the spirit of “absolute sincerity and patriotism and self-reliance” and carried forward the glorious tradition of “political steadfastness and excellent technique” of the Red Army Health School of Chinese Workers ‘and Peasants’ Red Army, adhering to the “The school motto, comprehensive strength is ceaseless enhancement. Has a considerable scale of development and distinctive characteristics of the school, has been among the forefront of the national medical colleges and universities, is the focus of building high-level university in Heilongjiang Province, China and Russia Medical University Union leading units, ministries and provinces to build the university.

School of Basic Medical College, School of Public Health, School of Health Management, College of Pharmacy, Graduate School, College of Adult Education and College of Continuing Education, School of International Education, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, College of Marxism, Medical College, Department of Nursing, Department of Anesthesiology, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medical Imaging, Department of Pathology, Department of Physical Education, First to Fifth Clinical Medical College (Affiliated Hospital), Daqing Campus and other affiliated units. China Center for Disease Control and Prevention Center for Endemic Disease Control, the National Basic Science Research and teaching personnel training base, the National New Drug Clinical Trials Research Center, the Russian Language Training Center, Heilongjiang Provincial Academy of Medical Sciences, Harbin Medical University, Sino-Russian Medical Research Center On campus.

The school has 8855 staff members, 1 academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1 member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1 member of the Nightingale Prize, 3 members of the State Council Discipline Review Group, 3 Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education 13 people, the national teaching teacher 4 people, “National Jieqing” 1, “1000 people plan” 2 experts, “Changjiang scholar” Chair Professor 1, 1 lecturers, young scholars 1 people, “people Plan “leading talent 3 people,” people plan “top-notch young talent 1, the provincial” Longjiang scholar “Distinguished professor 31 people, enjoy the State Council special allowance of 102 people.

The school for the Ministry of education of the first batch of seven-year system of higher medical education one of the institutions, is the first batch of outstanding doctors education plan project pilot colleges and universities. There are 17 specialties in the general higher education of the university: basic medicine (“5 + 2” continuous cultivation), clinical medicine (“5 + 3” integration, five years), dentistry, pediatrics, nursing, anesthesia Medicine, medicine, preventive medicine, medical imaging, public health management, law, biotechnology, bioinformatics, clinical pharmacy, marketing, health supervision, biomedical engineering.

21813 students in school. Among them, there are 5007 postgraduates, 11,787 ordinary undergraduates (7847 in campus, 3,940 in Daqing), 2879 general students, 336 overseas students, 1076 adult education students and 665 students.

The school has a first-level disciplines doctoral degree 8 (basic medicine, clinical medicine, public health and preventive medicine, biology, biomedical engineering, public management, pharmacy, nursing), master’s degree authorization 11; 59 doctoral degrees, 63 master’s degrees authorized. Post-doctoral research station 5, biology, pharmacy post-doctoral research station for the excellent post-doctoral research station. It has 2 national key disciplines, 1 national key cultivation discipline, 33 national key clinical specialty construction projects, 21 provincial key disciplines (groups), 1 provincial key laboratories training base, 3 key laboratories of the Ministry of Education, 2 key laboratories of the Ministry of Health, 6 provincial key laboratories and 11 key laboratories of provincial colleges and universities.

2003 through the Ministry of Education seven-year higher medical education teaching evaluation. In 2004 through the National Natural Science Foundation of science basic science research and teaching personnel training base evaluation. In 2005 by the Ministry of education of undergraduate teaching work assessment and other outstanding achievements. In 2006 the school as the first medical colleges and universities to participate in the international medical education certification pilot assessment, 36 school targets all meet the World Medical Education Federation (WFME) medical education global standards of the basic requirements, of which 26 indicators to achieve high quality standards Requirements, the quality of personnel training has been affirmed by foreign experts. 2014 as the lead side to set up the China-Russia Medical University Union. Approved by ministries and commissions in 2015 to build the university.

“Twelfth Five-Year Plan” since the preparation of the Ministry of Education, Health and Family Planning Commission, “Twelve Five” planning materials 236, of which 41 editors, deputy editor 41, edited 154. 446 teaching and research projects, 2 national teaching achievements, 25 provincial teaching achievements, 4 national experimental teaching demonstration centers, 1 national virtual experimental teaching center, 3 pilot projects for the reform of education and training plan for outstanding doctors of the Ministry of Education ; National resource sharing course 12; national video open course 4 door. 528 teaching and research papers were published, including 212 national teaching articles and 13 teaching and research papers. The university was designated as the experimental base for the reform of Heilongjiang Province Higher Medical Education Research Base and Master of Clinical Medicine Master Degree.

MicroRNA (miRNA) functional studies, the establishment of microRNA transgenic animal model research, anti-arrhythmic drugs the best target of the study, the Chinese Human Genome Project Research, precision liver surgery research, allogeneic Split Splenic Transplantation , As2O3 treatment of M3 leukemia and treatment of solid tumors, Kashin-Beck disease etiology, heart transplantation, hand transplantation, single forearm transplantation and colorectal cancer comprehensive treatment at home and abroad have a greater impact, were “natural” “Science”, “cell” and other international well-known magazine’s praise.

Campus Address: 157 Baojian Rd, Nangang Qu, Haerbin Shi, Heilongjiang Sheng, China, 150086


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