Shenzhen University

Shenzhen University in 1983 by the Ministry of Education approved the establishment. Central, Ministry of Education and local attaches great importance to the construction of the SAR. Peking University to build a Chinese language, foreign language disciplines, Tsinghua reconstruction of electronics, construction disciplines, the National People’s Congress economic, legal disciplines, a large number of well-known scholars gathered in Shenzhen University. At the beginning of the school, the school in the university management system on the reform, in the scholarships, credit system, work-study program and other aspects of a positive exploration, the first in the country to implement the allocation of graduates and two-way selection system, the implementation of faculty and staff appointment system and logistics Department of social management reform, in the country caused a strong response.

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School for 34 years, Shenzhen University, followed by the SAR, determined to reform, rapid development. The school adhering to the “self-reliance, self-discipline, self-reliance,” the motto, formed a “special university, window university, experimental university” school characteristics, formed from the bachelor, master to the doctor’s complete personnel training system and multi-level scientific research and social services System, has become a complete discipline, facilities, excellent teachers, management norms of a comprehensive university.
Shenzhen University of the existing sea, Xili two campuses, the campus a total area of ​​2.72 square kilometers. School teaching resources are rich, scientific research facilities are available. The existing school building area of ​​950,000 square meters, equipment worth 1.456 billion yuan. Library hall 48441 square meters, the school paper resources 388 million copies; database 249 kinds, with full text e-book 220.4 million, full text electronic journals 11. 70,000 kinds. The existing national undergraduate professional comprehensive reform pilot 1, national talent training mode innovation experimental area 1, a national practice teaching base. National experimental teaching demonstration center 2, the national level virtual simulation experiment teaching center 1, the provincial experimental teaching demonstration center 15, provincial virtual simulation experiment teaching center 1. Built a national engineering laboratory 3, the National Engineering Center 1, the Ministry of Education Key Laboratory 2, the provincial key laboratories 6.

Shenzhen University has full-time students in 34147 people, including full-time undergraduate 28,538 people, 5417 graduate students, 192 doctoral students. In-service graduate student 2009, adult education students 14402 people, 843 students. School disciplines are complete, comprehensive, covering philosophy, literature, economics, law, education, science, engineering, management, medicine, history, art and other 11 disciplines. The school has 27 teaching colleges, 90 undergraduate majors. The existing national characteristics of professional 5, the provincial characteristics of professional 10; 15 provincial key disciplines. There are 3 disciplinary disciplines, 3 master disciplines, 1 postdoctoral research station, 1 postdoctoral workstation. Engineering, clinical medicine, materials science into the ESI disciplines ranked the world’s top 1%, in the Chinese university extended version of ESI high cited papers ranked No. 84 ranked. The school launched the formation of “National Local University UOOC Union”, joined the 108 colleges and universities, 154 on-line courses, 72 elective schools, the cumulative number of students exceeded 200,000. In 2016, the students won 588 competitions at various levels, including 65 at the international level, 187 at the national level and 285 at the provincial and ministerial level.

Currently, SZU has about 34,147 fulltime students including 28,538 undergraduates, over 5,609 postgraduates (192 doctoral), plus 814 international students. SZU maintains a high-caliber teaching staff with high qualifications and diverse academic background. The total staff number is 3,874 or so, which includes 2,081 teaching staff. Among the teaching staff, 78% percent are professors or associate professors and over 60% are PhD holders.

SZU strongly advocates international exchange and cooperation. SZU, as one of the 54 MOE accredited Chinese universities for international education and the HSK testing institution, began to enroll international students in 1987. Up till now, the university has established cooperative relationships with 176 overseas universities. With the increasing popularity, SZU attracts around 1,000 international students every year pursuing their study here.

SZU implements the concepts of “equal opportunities, aptitude teaching, solid founded knowledge, and serving to the society” in teaching, and optimizes teaching and quality control in order to cultivate innovation and entrepreneurship among students.

Campus Address: Nanhai Ave 3688, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R. China

Contact for Admission & More Details

Mr. Arun Bapna +919001099110 (Also on WhatsApp, IMO & Viber)