Shenyang Pharmaceutical University

Shenyang Pharmaceutical University is a glorious revolutionary tradition of the school, formerly known as the 1931 was born in Jiangxi Ruijin Red Army Medical School, is China’s oldest comprehensive pharmaceutical University. The school covers an area of ​​143.45 million square meters, with a total construction area of ​​708,000 square meters. The school area (cultural road) campus covers an area of ​​215,000 square meters, construction area of ​​179,000 square meters; Tiexi campus covers an area of ​​16,000 square meters, construction area of ​​17,000 square meters; South Campus (Benxi high Area) covers an area of ​​1203,500 square meters, a project construction area of ​​89,000 square meters, the second phase of the project construction area of ​​423,000 square meters.

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The school has now developed into a multi-disciplinary, multi-level, multi-faceted education of higher pharmacy, with pharmaceutical colleges, pharmaceutical engineering college, Chinese medicine college, life science and biopharmaceutical school, business administration, medical equipment, functional food and wine College, College of Continuing Education, Institute of Social Sciences and Culture, College of Continuing Education and 11 College of Hirou School of Business. There are 2485 graduate students (Dr. 465, Master 2020), 8345 undergraduates, 5024 adult correspondence students. The school has a large number of experts and scholars. In the 1162 faculty, 671 full-time teachers, including 114 professors, 228 associate professors. There are 1 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1 professor of the Changjiang Scholar, 1 member of the National People’s Congress of the Central Organization, 1 member of the State Council Pharmacy Discipline Review Group, 1 for the New Century Million Talents Project. , Enjoy the State Council special allowance of 10 experts, a national teaching teacher, provincial teaching teacher 19, the provincial level above the selection of various personnel training project named more than 160 people, the Ministry of Education innovation team 1.

The school has always been to the development of pharmaceutical and related industries demand-oriented, around the school positioning, highlighting the advantages of pharmacy disciplines, adhere to the main line of pharmacy education, moderate expansion of undergraduate professional layout, continuous optimization of undergraduate professional structure, and gradually formed a drug- Engineering, management, management, by the five disciplines 10 professional class undergraduate professional structure layout. A total of 20 undergraduate majors, including five national professional characteristics, a national science basic scientific research and teaching personnel training base, the national life science and technology personnel training base. Pharmacology, natural medicine chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, drug analysis, pharmaceutical theory, analytical chemistry, chemical pharmaceutical technology, biotechnology, pharmaceutical eight courses for the national quality courses, pharmaceutical experiment teaching center for the national experimental teaching demonstration center, Pharmacy teaching team, pharmacology teaching team and drug analysis teaching team for the national teaching team; adult professional specialist 5.

The school is approved by the state to grant a doctorate degree, master’s degree and recruiting Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan students and foreign students, the domestic high school students. The existing postdoctoral flow station 2 (pharmacy, Chinese medicine), a discipline doctoral degree authorization 2, two disciplines doctoral degree authorization 19, a master’s degree authorization 7, two disciplines master authorization 51 , Four master’s degree degree. Pharmacy for the national key disciplines, Chinese medicine analysis for the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, “second five” key disciplines of Chinese medicine, schools in 2017 selected universities in Liaoning Province, the focus of the construction of colleges and universities. Pharmacy and Chinese medicine were selected as the first-class subject of higher education in Liaoning Province, the school discipline layout is reasonable, distinctive, domestic and international academic influence rising. According to ESI’s latest data, the school into the top 100, ranked 89; in the global universities and research institutions ranked 1601, 3 disciplines stable into the ESI 1% of the world, the number of papers collected 4550, cited 43951 , Are cited as 9.66. Our school six professors re-selected 2016 Elsevier China high cited scholars list, the number of selected in the domestic colleges and universities ranked No. 52 in the “pharmacology, toxicology and pharmacy” in the field ranked first in the country; in the latest release of ” 2017 Natural Index China Mainland University TOP100 “, the school to the number of articles in the year 14, weighted article total 7.13 ranked 707 global colleges and universities, ranked 94 in the national colleges and universities. Sponsored by the “Journal of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University” and “Chinese Journal of Medicinal Chemistry” has now become a national pharmaceutical core journals.

The school has actively engaged in academic exchanges and cooperation at home and abroad, and has signed cooperation agreements with some well-known domestic universities to achieve the sharing of resources; and the United States, Japan, Britain, Russia and other 19 countries and regions, 63 institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutions The relationship.

Campus Address: No. 103, Cultural Road, Shenhe District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, China

Contact for Admission & More Details

Mr. Arun Bapna +919001099110 (Also on WhatsApp, IMO & Viber)