Taishan Medical University

Taishan Medical University was founded in 1891 as the Medical School of Huamei Hospital. The university was co-founded with Gonghe Medical School in 1903 which was called Medical College of Qilu University later. In 1952, the Medical College of Qilu University merged with Shandong Medical College which was founded in 1932 formed the new Shandong Medical College(the campus located in Jinan city). In 1970, Shandong Medical College merged with Shandong College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and moved to the Loude district of Xintai county of Tai’an city(the rear office in Jinan city). The Loude Branch College of Shandong Medical College was founded in 1974 and then was moved to Tai’an City in 1979. Its name was changed into the Tai’an Branch College of Shandong Medical College. With the approval of the State Council in 1981, its name was then changed to Taishan Medical University.

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In November 2006, The school passed the first round of undergraduate course teaching evaluation by the ministry of education and got good grades. Our school is the first pilot university of outstanding doctor education training project by the ministry of education and the ministry of health (now health development planning commission); applied characteristic school project construction unit of Shandong province; the national ministry of education and health development planning commission’s pilot university of clinical medicine postgraduate training pattern reform; clinical medicine undergraduate discipline is the first professional comprehensive reform pilot project to the ministry of education.
Taishan Medical University covers an area of 500 acres with a gross floor area of 780,000 square meters. The university now has fixed assets valued at RMB 1.39 billion Yuan, the teaching, science and research equipment has a total value of 169 million Yuan. The students have access to 2,660,000 books; The University has 1,500 faculty and staff members. There are 1,100 full-time teachers, 2700 clinical teachers of 14 affiliated hospitals, of which 1900 are associate professors and above, 20 enjoy special governmental allowances financed by the State Council. We have 15 young outstanding contribution experts and the best medical system talents of Shandong province, 7 state teachers of excellence, 8 famous provincial teachers, 6 famous provincial teaching teams and 2 professors titled “Taishan Scholar”, 2 Taishan scholar overseas experts. 4 experts of Important Lab of Shandong Universities. Taishan Medical University also has 15 academicians serving as our university’s professors.

Our university also offers adult higher education courses (Correspondence courses and Evening College): Clinical Medicine, Medical Imaging, Medical Laboratory Science and so on. Those who participate in and pass the foreign language exam of the Shandong Province Adult Higher Education Degree program and the main courses exam will be awarded degree certificates. On-the-job training includes health industry vocational skills training projects of the Ministry of Health, and continuing education training to health workers, family planning workers and rural health workers.

  The University established relatively stable academic exchange and cooperation with 22 countries and regions. We actively carried out cooperation with foreign countries and enterprises, we trained students who are major in clinical medicine, medical imaging, nursing, pharmacy, marketing with Britain, South Korea and other countries well-known colleges and universities. In the year 2010, the university was listed by the Ministry of Education as one of the Medical Undergraduate Education (offered in English) Institutions for overseas students. In June 2011, the university was authorized by national Hanban to hold tests for Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK). The university was recognized as one of the first 16 academies and colleges to accept the overseas student scholarship issued by Shandong Province.

Campus Address:  619 Changcheng Road, Tai’an City, Shandong Province, China

Contact for Admission & More Details

Mr. Arun Bapna +919001099110 (Also on WhatsApp, IMO & Viber)