China West Normal University

China West Normal University is a full-time key normal university organized by the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government, located in Nanchong, a famous historical and cultural city. The school has two campuses: Beihu Campus and Huafeng Campus. The campus covers an area of more than 2,600 mus. It is a garden-style school in Sichuan Province. It is known as “a good place for reading and a good place for selecting talents”.

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The school was founded in 1946, its birth and Northeastern University has a direct historical origins. The outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War in 1937, Northeastern University moved to Sichuan Province, three county school. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, Northeastern University moved back to Shenyang, leaving the Sichuan teachers and students in the original site to create a private North Sichuan Agricultural College. In 1949, with the famous Mexican expert Mr. Wu Feibai founded Xishan Academy merged to form a private North Sichuan University. In 1950, the school moved to Nanchong City, and North Sichuan University merged to form the public North Sichuan University. In 1952 the adjustment of colleges and universities nationwide, the school merged East Sichuan Institute of Education (former rural construction college), Sichuan University and West China University of some professional, Sichuan Normal College. In 1956, the school is divided into two, to stay in Nanchong part of the Nanchong Teachers College. In 1958, the school development for the Nanchong Teachers College. In 1989, the school was renamed Sichuan Normal College. April 16, 2003, approved by the Ministry of Education, the school changed its name to the West China Normal University.

The school has brought together a large number of teaching masters, the famous ink expert Wu Feibai, contemporary famous scholar, ancient poetry expert Zheng Linchuan, ancient literature expert Zhou Xu white, Fu Pingxiang, philosophical expert Li Yaoxian, internationally recognized giant panda ecological biology founder Hu Jinchu as the representative of a large number of well-known experts and scholars have taught in this education. The school has a staff of more than 2,500 people, with more than 1,000 senior professional titles of teachers, with doctorate or master’s degree in more than 1,100 teachers, selected the Central Propaganda Department of cultural masters and “four” talent project 1, the national high-level special 1 candidate for Talent Reserve, 1 candidate for Talent Plan in Sichuan Province, 16 for academic and technical leaders in Sichuan Province, 26 candidates for academic and technical leaders in Sichuan Province, 17 experts for Special Allowance from the State Council, Contribution of outstanding experts in 16 people, the Ministry of education talents in the new century 5; Chair of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, national outstanding contributions of young experts, the Ministry of education teaching guidance committee, the National Social Science Fund and the National Natural Science Fund Project Review Experts 5; a national advanced individual moral one, six teachers in Sichuan Province teaching.

The university is a comprehensive university with the characteristics of teacher education. It has 11 disciplines, such as literature, history, philosophy, education, science, engineering, agriculture, management, economics, law and art. Prominent. School of ecology, political science, Chinese language and literature, history, education, Marxist theory, astronomy, chemistry and other characteristics of the advantages of discipline in the industry have an important impact. There are 69 bachelor’s degree programs and 15 first-class master’s degree programs (covering 106 master’s degree programs in the second-level disciplines), with Master of Laws, Master of Education, Master of Sports, Master of Information and Communication, Master of Engineering, Master of Agriculture, Public Administration ) Master’s degree and other seven professional master’s authorization category, six disciplines co-cultivation of doctoral students. There are more than 30,000 full-time undergraduate students, more than 3,000 graduate students. Over the past 70 years, the school has trained nearly 300,000 people of all kinds and types for the society. They have worked hard in their respective posts and made important contributions to China’s economic and social development.

The school attaches great importance to discipline construction, is the first batch of master’s degree authorization unit. The existing one post-doctoral workstations, the provincial key disciplines construction project 9, the Ministry of education key laboratories and the Sichuan Provincial Key Laboratory 2. The establishment of the organization repair materials engineering technology innovation center, ecological science and technology park, the provincial university science and technology park, with the State Sports General Administration of sports culture research base, the Sichuan Provincial Education Development Research Center, Sichuan university students ideological and political education research center, Sichuan province philosophy and social science Popularization base, regional cultural research center five key research base of philosophy and social sciences.

School teaching and scientific research achievements, the past five years, a total commitment to all types of teaching and research projects more than 1,000 items. A national “undergraduate teaching quality and teaching reform project 120, of which national characteristics of professional 7, the national quality course 1, the national teaching team 1, national outstanding agriculture and forestry talent training plan 1, the national excellent news dissemination of talent Training program 1, the national professional comprehensive reform project 1, the national “second five” plan teaching material 1, the national quality video open class 1, the national university students outside practice education base 1, the national college students innovation and entrepreneurship training Project 105; Sichuan Province “undergraduate teaching quality and teaching reform project” 361; access to national, provincial education teaching achievement award 47, of which the national teaching achievement prize two 2. Bear the National Natural Science Foundation, the State (Including major and key projects) 106 projects, provincial and ministerial level project 195; in domestic and foreign academic journals published more than 12000 scientific papers (including SCI 1 area 62, 17 papers selected ESI high cited database ), CSSCI, CSCD source journal papers 974; published 136 academic monographs, 3 scientific research achievements selected “National Philosophy and Social Science Achievements Library”; by the national, provincial government scientific research award 59, which won the national scientific and technological progress award and National Science and Technology Progress Award two, a total of sixteenth in Sichuan Province, the first prize of outstanding achievements in philosophy and social sciences and Sichuan Province Science and Technology Progress Award two.

The school has a beautiful environment, excellent style of study, advanced teaching infrastructure and complete functions. The library is a key protection unit of ancient books in Sichuan Province. There are more than 3,700 printed books, 140,000 e-books and 280 million teaching and research equipment. yuan.

School-to-school cooperation, and actively for the local social and economic development to provide scientific research support and technological innovation services. The school has signed cooperation agreements with Nanchong, Mianyang, Deyang, Luzhou, Bazhong, Guang’an, Dazhou, Ya’an, Guangyuan, Aba and other cities and prefectures, and has made full use of the disciplines of ecology, politics, astronomy and history. The R & D platform was established by the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Pingwu Giant Panda National Park, Jiuzhaigou Baihe Nature Reserve, Sichuan Wanglang National Nature Reserve and Sichuan Province CaoPo Nature Reserve, etc., And local governments on grassroots democratic political construction , The research and propaganda of the history of Sichuan and Shaanxi Soviet areas, the consolidation and study of the archives in the southern county of Qing Dynasty, the local legislation and other aspects of the depth of cooperation; many times take the lead of the National Forestry Bureau of the giant panda national research project; investment and construction of the only one The 50BiN Chinese node telescope was built by the university and the scientific information sharing mechanism was established with astronomical institutions such as the National Astronomical Observatory and the Purple Mountain Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The library was open to the public free of charge and formed a good cooperation with the university. situation.

The school has signed an inter-university exchange and cooperation agreement with universities and research institutes in the United States, France, Japan, Australia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Argentina and Taiwan, Hong Kong and other countries and regions. A number of academic exchanges and cooperation, the exchange of experts to give lectures, teacher training and exchange of students exchange activities. The school has the ability to recruit long and short-term students, and the University of Reims, the French University of Science and Technology and the University of Oklahoma and other universities to carry out joint training undergraduate and graduate programs.

In 2016, the West China Normal University will usher in the 70th anniversary of the school. Standing at a new historical starting point, the school will thoroughly implement the “five development” concept, combined with the three major development strategies in Sichuan Province, the school will continue to deepen the school in accordance with the new requirements of the Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee Comprehensive reform, solidly promote the construction of first-class disciplines, and comprehensively improve the quality of education and teaching, to add the school as a doctoral degree authorized units to achieve better quality of personnel training, scientific and technological innovation ability, open higher level, more distinctive characteristics of teacher education Of high-level university goals and work hard.

Campus Address: No.1, Shida Road, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province, PRChina, 637002

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