Wenzhou University

Wenzhou University (WZU) is a comprehensive and regional institution of higher learning, which can be traced back to Wenzhou Normal College founded by the patriot Huang Suchu in 1933. It presents an atmosphere rich in culture and fine tradition.

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WZU is located in the beautiful and prosperous city of Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province. The Chashan Campus and Xue Yuanlu Campus altogether cover an area of 157 hectares. Its main campus (Chashan Campus) lies in the Wenzhou Higher Education Park with the Luoshan Mountains to its south and Sanyang wetlands to its north, the picturesque location provides an ideal place for both personal enrichment and academic learning.

With class and office space of 114.6 hectares, teaching and research equipment valued at RMB 451 million, a library boasting a collection of over 4 million paper and electronic books, 59 databases, and various e-journals in different languages, Wenzhou University provides an ideal environment for study.

he WZU system includes 19 colleges, two of which are independent (Oujiang College and City College), and various research centers. The university enrolls 12956 students (not including 7336 students in Oujiang College and 7974 students in City College) which are supported by 1599 faculty members and 906 administrative and supporting staff. The faculty of 190 full professors and 437 associate professors, 337 of which have doctoral degrees and 287 who are postgraduate and doctoral supervisors. The high-caliber faculty proudly presents 293 academic and technical leading scholars at provincial and municipal levels. This star-studded faculty includes: 1 professor with the title of “Chang Jiang Scholars”, 2 winners of the “National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars” award, 3 winners of the “State-sponsored Top 100/1,000/10,000 Talent Project” award, 7 experts who received the “State Council Special Allowance” award, 3 recipients of “MOE’s New Century Excellent Talent Project” award, 5 provincial “Elite University Teachers” and 3 members who received the “Chief Expert in 21 Industrial Clusters – Zhejiang Province” award. In addition, 15 of our distinguished faculty received the awards of “Extraordinary Expert”, “Hundred Talent Project”, “Qianjiang Scholar” and “Sci-Tech Talent with Outstanding Contributions” presented by Zhejiang province.

WZU currently offers 6 master’s degree programs in broad disciplines, 39 in specific areas and 55 undergraduate bachelor degree programs covering the 9 disciplines of Literature, Science, Engineering, Law, Education, Economics, History, Management and Art. The university also offers high level programs in Organic Chemistry, Leather Chemicals Engineering, Material Science, Solid State Physics, Disaster Prevention, Protection Engineering and Ecology. The Arts are supported by high level courses in Literature, Arts Studies, Folk Art and Chinese Language and Characters. The superior teaching and educational programs feature 2 National Specialized Majors and 5 Majors of MOE’s Excellent Engineers Education Program. There are 15 Provincially Designated Key Areas of Study supported by 7 National Quality Courses, 33 Provincial Quality Courses, 35 national and provincial key textbooks, 4 Provincial Teaching Teams and 8 Provincial Experimental Teaching Demonstration Centers.

WZU firmly believes that quality education is the life blood of a successful school. It follows the principle that while teaching should be its central role, balanced developments of research should be continuously implemented. The university’s philosophy of education is to graduate students with “rich experience in practice, robust innovation, great entrepreneurship, knowledgeable in management and strong responsibility.” While the University’s goal is to provide a quality general education, equal importance is placed on the presentation of specialty subject matter which more fully satisfies student needs and expands their potential.

Campus Address: Wenzhou University Town, Zhejiang, China

Contact for Admission & More Details

Mr. Arun Bapna +919001099110 (Also on WhatsApp, IMO & Viber)