Jiangxi Traditional Chinese Medicine Junior College

Jiangxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine is one of the early establishment of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is also the new specialty institution of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the only one college of traditional Chinese medicine in Jiangxi province. Its predecessor was founded in 1986 in Jiangxi Fuzhou Chinese medicine school, in 2004 upgraded to high school, management system for the provinces and cities to build, the main city management.

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The school is located in the “eleventh century reformers” Wang Anshi, “Oriental Shakespeare” Tang Xianzu’s hometown, the river medicine, Jianchang to help the birthplace, known as “cultural state”, “gifted village”, ” Reputation of Fuzhou City in Jiangxi Province. The school has two campuses, the total area of more than 500 acres. School school conditions are excellent, the infrastructure is complete, the campus environment is beautiful, is the ideal school of study and study.

The school has three “four lines” (medical department, medicine department, nursing department and ideological and political theory course teaching department, medical foundation department, public foundation department, adult education department), opened 20 professional (direction ), formed Chinese medicine, pharmacy , Nursing, rehabilitation health four professional group, the existing students more than 10,000 people. The school has 2 affiliated hospitals, 1 affiliated pharmaceutical companies and 2 Ge rehabilitation care base. Currently, the school has 2 central focus of financial support for construction professionals ( medicine, traditional Chinese medicine ) , 1 central focus of financial support for the construction of training base (nursing), 3 provincial-level personnel training innovation experimental area, 5 provincial excellent teaching team , Five provincial characteristics of professional, seven provincial-level quality courses, two provincial-level courses to share classes.

The school has 27 professors (including two professors 2 , three professors 3 ), 55 associate professors , “double teacher” teachers accounted for up to 72 . 5% , the national name of the old Chinese medicine 2 , Jiangxi Province, 3 Chinese medicine practitioners , enjoy the special allowance of the State Council 1 , the provincial government government subsidy experts 2 , the city government special allowance 7 , Jiangxi Province, millions of talent 5 Provincial colleges and universities in the young academic leaders, the provincial college young backbone teachers 11 people, Jiangxi province teaching teacher 3 people, Jiangxi province teaching and learning model one person, the national five one labor medal winner 2 people, province province labor medal Winner 2 people, doctoral tutor 1 , master tutor 5 people.

Schools adhere to the “service for the purpose of employment-oriented” approach to the school, the implementation of enrollment – training – employment integration, and continuously improve the quality of personnel training, social development requirements, social impact continues to improve. After repeated exploration, the school gradually clear the “one two three four five” innovative school of thought: that adhere to the “good people satisfied with the university” the only purpose; for the regional economy and industry development of the two main services; Teaching, teaching, employment, three links; built cadres, teachers, academics, associations, four teams; to promote teaching, teaching, teaching materials, teaching reform “five teaching project.” In recent years, the school enrollment growth in the same institutions in the country ranked first, teaching materials into the same institutions of the same institutions in the first square, student skills contest won the national first prize, the only institutions in the country access to the National Natural Science Foundation Project, the same institutions and Jiangxi Province, the only access to national medical schools construction base project, the employment rate for six consecutive years in the province’s medical higher vocational colleges ranked first in the school by a number of patents in similar institutions Ranked first in the “seven one” performance.

The school has won the “national health civilization construction advanced collective”, “national health system advanced collectives”, “Jiangxi province civilized unit”, “Jiangxi province safe and civilized campus”, “Jiangxi province garden unit”, “province education system” management ‘activities advanced collective “,” the province’s education system’ innovation development ‘activities advanced collective “,” Jiangxi Higher-saving campus building advanced units “,” advanced unit in Jiangxi province university security and stability, ” 2010 – the year 2013 (Jiangxi Province, the top ten colleges and universities, and so on the honorary title of the title of Jiangxi Province, the University of Health Education Speaking Competition, Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Province, the highest degree of honor, Won the first prize, the National Chinese Medicine Vocational Education Skills Competition ( acupuncture and massage skills contest ) group first prize, the traditional Chinese medicine traditional skills contest second prize, the national vocational nursing skills contest second prize, the national Chinese medicine care skills Contest won the second grade of higher vocational college group ( the second ) and so on.

At present, the school is around the goal of building the building, along the construction of “the province has an advantage, the domestic impact, school characteristics, students have as” demonstration of Chinese medicine colleges and universities road ahead.

Campus Address : 1111 Gandong Ave, Linchuan Qu, Fuzhou Shi, Jiangxi Sheng, China, 344000

Contact for Admission & More Details

Mr. Arun Bapna +919001099110 (Also on WhatsApp, IMO & Viber)