Zhejiang Normal University

Zhejiang Normal University headquarters is located in the national historical and cultural city of Jinhua City, located in central Zhejiang, according to Shanghai and Shanghai, South Fujian and Guangdong, convenient traffic. The school covers an area of ​​more than 3300 acres, construction area of ​​more than 100 million square meters. The campus environment is quiet, tree-lined, fragrant grass, and national scenic spots Shuanglong Cave pavilions, complement each other, is the ideal place to know and become talent.

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Zhejiang Normal University, formerly known as Hangzhou Teachers College, founded in 1956. 1958 upgraded to Hangzhou Normal College. In 1962, Hangzhou Normal College and Zhejiang Institute of Education, Zhejiang Institute of Physical Education merged, renamed Zhejiang Normal College. In 1965, Zhejiang Normal College moved from Hangzhou to Jinhua. 1980 was listed as provincial key colleges and universities. In 1985 changed its name to Zhejiang Normal University. Zhejiang Province in 2015 selected the first batch of key construction colleges and universities. 2000, 2001, 2004 Zhejiang Finance School, Zhejiang Kindergarten Normal School and Jinhua Railway Driver School have been incorporated.

Zhejiang Normal University is a multi-disciplinary provincial key university with teacher education, the existing junior college, the School of Economics and Management, the International Business School of China and Africa, the School of Law and Politics, the Teachers’ Education Institute, the Hangzhou Junior College, School of Physical Education, College of Science and Life Sciences, School of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Vocational and Technical Education, International Culture, School of Life Science and Technology, Faculty of Chemistry and Life Sciences, School of Physical Education and Environmental Sciences And the Institute of Education, College of College (Independent College) and other 19 colleges and 68 professional, full-time college students in more than 25300 people, graduate students (including professional degree graduate students) more than 5300 people, more than 2,000 students, all kinds of adult higher education students 16000 Others. There are more than 620 teachers, more than 620 teachers, more than 620 teachers, with a doctoral degree teachers more than 710 people, including one Chinese Academy of Sciences, sharing the Chinese Academy of Sciences 5, the Chinese Academy of Engineering 1 Name, the national “thousands of people plan” expert 2 people, the national foreign experts plan one person, the Yangtze River scholar professor 4 people, the national outstanding youth fund winner 2, the country outstanding contribution expert 3 people, enjoy the special allowance of the State Council 29 People, “National New Century 100 million Talent Project” selected 4 people, the Ministry of Education, “New Century Excellent Talent Support Program” selected 9 people, the State Council Academic Degrees Committee Discipline Review Group members 2, the Ministry of Education College Teaching Steering Committee members 9 The provincial “1000 senior experts” experts, the province of outstanding contributions to the experts 1, the provincial “thousands of people plan” experts 8, the provincial “Qianjiang senior talent” Professor 7, the province “New Century 151 Talent Project” first and second Level selection of 44 people, the provincial colleges and universities in the young academic leaders 70 people. The school is the first batch of state-level language standardization model and national college students innovation and entrepreneurship plan to participate in the school, and has the Ministry of Education to determine the national key construction vocational education teacher training training base, the former Ministry of Railways to determine the railway locomotive driver training base, Zhejiang College teachers training center, Zhejiang Province, young teachers training center, Zhejiang Province, kindergarten principals training center and other personnel training and training base.

Zhejiang Normal University adhered to open school, successively with 5 continents, more than 50 countries and regions, more than 140 institutions of higher learning or educational institutions to establish cooperation and exchange relations, with more than 30 countries (territory) University established inter-school students Exchange items. The school has the qualifications to recruit long, short term students to come to China, the Chinese government scholarship students to enroll in China qualifications. The Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce approved the establishment of the school “study abroad service center” for the majority of teachers and students to study abroad to provide relevant services. The school is the “China-Africa Joint Research and Exchange Program”, the “China-Africa Policy Bank 10 + 10 Partner Program”, the Ministry of Education “20 + 20 Cooperation Program”, the “International Regional Issues (Africa)” The establishment of the Chinese language training center in Cameroon in 1996, has established five Confucius Institutes in the United States, Ukraine, Cameroon, Mozambique and Tanzania since the establishment of the “Project and the National Research Base of the Ministry of Education” The Visited African Confucius Institute Training Center in 2014.

Full of vitality and vitality of the Zhejiang Normal University will be adhering to the “grudge Li line, the maintenance of peacekeeping,” the motto, toward the school into a distinctive feature, well-known domestic research and research university goal stride forward.

Campus Address: 688 Yingbin Avenue, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province

Contact for Admission & More Details

Mr. Arun Bapna +919001099110 (Also on WhatsApp, IMO & Viber)