South China Normal University

South China Normal University was founded in 1933, the predecessor of the Guangdong Provincial College of Normal University. In 1996, he entered the national “211 Project” key construction university ranks, in 2015 to become the Guangdong Provincial People’s Government and the Ministry of Education to build colleges and universities, the same year into the high level of Guangdong Province, the overall construction of colleges and universities ranks. The school has Guangzhou Shipai, Guangzhou University City and Foshan Nanhai three campuses, covers an area of ​​3025 acres, the school area of ​​1.55 million square meters, books 3.74 million.

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School of existing educational technology, development and education Psychology, optics, sports Humanities and sociology (focus on nurturing) 4 national key disciplines, 9 countries “211 Project” key construction disciplines, 22 Guangdong Province key disciplines (including 5 Climbing key disciplines, 14 key disciplines and three key disciplines, a total of 18 key disciplines and four secondary key disciplines). In the third round of the Ministry of Education assessment, psychology, physical education and pedagogy 3 disciplines into the top 10% of the national university; chemical, plant and zoology, engineering and mathematics 4 disciplines into the ESI 1% of the world. The school has 84 undergraduate majors, 32 master’s degree authorized a discipline, more than 200 master’s degree authorizations, 14 master’s degree authorizations, 15 doctoral degree authorized a discipline, more than 100 doctoral degree authorization, 1 Doctoral degree authorization, 17 postdoctoral mobile stations. Discipline layout covers 12 categories of philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, management, and art.

School teacher’s team structure is good; the level is high, has a group at home and abroad have certain influence experts and scholars. The existing full-time teachers in 1979, of which more than 1098 senior vice master, doctoral, master graduate tutor 1161 people, with a doctorate or master’s degree in 1840 people. The existing academicians (including double and foreign) 11 people, “thousands of people plan” selected 12 people, “Youth thousands of people plan” selected 6 people, “Cheung Kong scholar” 7, “National Outstanding Youth Fund” winner 11 People, “Cheung Kong scholars and innovative team development plan” innovation team 3, the national teaching teacher 2, millions of talent engineering national candidate 6 people, the Ministry of education of the new century talents support plan candidates 20 people, “million people plan” Selected 2 people, the Central Propaganda Department, “a group of four” talent 3, the National Excellent Youth Fund winner 1, Guangdong Province, 8 talented people, Guangdong Province, two innovative research team, the Pearl River Scholar 15, Guangdong Province, The school “thousands of ten projects” national training object 7, and the State Council Academic Degrees Committee Discipline Review Group members 3, the Ministry of Education Higher Education Teaching Committee 13 members.

The school has a strong strength of the laboratory and scientific research base. A key research laboratory of the National Green Photonics International Research Center, Key Laboratory of Laser Life Sciences, Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Environmental Theory Chemistry, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, International Laboratory of Optical Information and International Cooperation (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Laboratory, a Guangdong Engineering Laboratory, 22 Guangdong Province Engineering Technology Research Center, a Guangdong Provincial Public Emergency Response Technology Research Center, a Guangdong International Cooperation Base, 6 Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Scientific Research, 3 Guangdong Provincial University Engineering Technology Research Center, 7 Guangdong Province, Guangdong Province, the focus of humanities and social sciences research base, two Guangdong Province, colleges and universities in philosophy and social science key laboratory. The school also has a national science basic scientific research and teaching personnel training base, four national experimental teaching demonstration center, 19 Guangdong province experimental teaching demonstration center, three national college students outside the practice education base, 37 Guangdong province university students Practice teaching base. In addition, the Guangdong Provincial Network Library, Guangdong University Building Planning and Design Institute and other institutions are located in the school.

80 years, the school number of easy school name, several times the migration, although after the vicissitudes of life, but the string stopped working. Generation after generation of Chinese teachers uphold the University of Normal University, “the study of advanced academic, to develop the community of specialized personnel,” the fine tradition of practicing “hard work, rigorous scholarship, realistic and innovative, as a teacher,” the motto, , Together cast the school today’s prosperity and development. Schools adhere to the leadership of the party, adhere to the socialist school direction, based in Guangdong, radiation Hong Kong and Macao, facing the world, is committed to cultivating outstanding teachers, promote regional education development, lead the education of teachers in southern China for national and regional economic and social development to provide talent support, intelligence Support and cultural services, for the construction of domestic first-class, world-renowned comprehensive university and work.

Campus Address: Tianhe District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, Zhongshan Road West, 55

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Mr. Arun Bapna +919001099110 (Also on WhatsApp, IMO & Viber)