world rank of university

Top 50 Universities with Grade & Ranking for MBBS in China

Important Address & Concerned Authorities/Departments

  • Medical Council of India, Pocket- 14 , Sector – 8, Dwarka Phase -1, New Delhi – 110077, INDIA
  • Ministry of Education in China, 37# Damucang Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing, China
  • Chinese Embassy in India, 50-D, Near Americam Embassy, Shantipath, New Delhi, Delhi 110021
  • Embassy of India, Beijing, No.5, Liang Ma Qiao Bei Jie, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100600 China
  • World Federation for Medical Education, 13A chemin du Levant, 01210 Ferney-Voltaire, France
  • FAIMER, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2685, USA
  • World Directory of medical schools


Rankings of the universality is based on suitability for foreign students, Academic Reputation, Employer Reputation, Faculty/Student Ratio, Citations per faculty, International Faculty Ratio, International Student Ratio, infrastructure, hospitals capacity, faculties, facilities, number of enrollments per year and graduates passed out so far, results, discipline, scholarship policies and many other factors.

2018-2019 academic year enrolled in undergraduate clinical medicine (in English), List of higher education institutions and enrollment plans for international students in China. 

University Name Seats Grade
Anhui Medical University 60 A
Capital medical university 100 A
China Medical University 100 A
Dalian Medical University 100 A
Fudan University 100 A
Guangxi Medical University 100 A
Huazhong University of Science and Technology 100 A
Jinzhou Medical University 60 A
Qingdao University 60 A
Shan Dong University 100 A
Shenyang Medical University 100 A
Tianjin Medical University 100 A
Tongji University 60 A
Xi’an Jiaotong University 100 A
Zhejiang University 100 A
Beihua University 40 B
Fujian University of Medicine 60 B
Guangdong Pharmacutical University 100 B
Guangzhou Medical University 60 B
Hebei Medical University 60 B
Hunan Normal University 100 B
Jiangsu University 100 B
Jilin Medical University 100 B
Jilin University 100 B
Jinan University 100 B
Kunming Medical University 60 B
Nantong university 60 B
Shihezi University 60 B
Sichuan University 100 B
Southeast University 60 B
Southern Medical University 100 B
Southwestern Medical University 60 B
Sun Yat-Sen 60 B
Suzhou University 60 B
Wenzhou Medical University 100 B
Wuhan University 100 B
Xiamen University 60 B
Xingjiang Medical College 100 B
Xuzhou Medical College 60 B
Chongqing Medical University 100 C
Harbin Medical University 60 C
Ningbo University 60 C
Ningxia Medical University 60 C
North Sichuan Medical College 40 C
Shantou University 60 C
Three Gorges University 20 C
Yangzhou University 60 C
Zhengzhou University 60 C
Nanjing Medical University 100 D

Many Other Universities could not secure top ranks due to less experience in handling foreign students, quality of education, English Medium faculties and other factors.

Important details for students and parents

  • Students are advised to apply for medical universities only, before applying to any university in china make sure university is not offering TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine programme. In such universities students will have to appear for HSK 3/4/5 Exam (Chinese language proficiency test).
  • Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a broad range of medicine practices sharing common concepts which have been developed in China and are based on a tradition of more than 2,000 years, including various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage (Tui na), exercise (qigong), and dietary therapy. Source: