Guizhou Medical University

Guizhou Medical University is established in 1938. This university is also known as Kweiyang National Guiyang Medical College, Guiyang Medical College and National Kweiyang Medical College. This University offer’s 5 year course. It is located in Guiyang.

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1950 renamed Guiyang Medical College, in 2015 changed its name to Guizhou Medical University, Guizhou Province is the only Bachelor of Medicine – Master – Dr. complete talent training system of the provincial key universities. In March, 1938, under the leadership of Dr. Li Zongen, the first dean of China and the expert of early tropical disease and medical educator in China, Yang Chongrui, Zhu Zhanggeng, Tang Peisong, Jia Kui, A large number of literature, medical pioneers gathered in your room, such as hanging chime in the environment, the National Guiyang Medical College should be transported to the hospital, the hospital should be in place, And health, and created a precedent for higher medical education in Guizhou. After more than 70 years of tempered forward, the school now has two campuses, covers an area of ​​1868 acres, 19097 full-time students in the school, of which 1862 were graduate students. Teaching and research equipment worth 309 million yuan, the library collection of 174.54 million, 430,000 copies of e-books. With 20 teaching units, 30 undergraduate majors, covering medicine, science, engineering, education, literature, law, management and other seven disciplines. There are 1417 full-time employees and 1,067 full-time teachers. Among them, there are 259 PhD  235 of who are senior titles and 417 are vice-senior. The Ministry of Education, “Changjiang Scholar” Professor 1, the national “outstanding professional and technical personnel” 2, “Talent Project National Personnel,” 12-level experts 3, the State “Wei Commission has outstanding contributions to young people Four experts, the Ministry of Education, “New Century Excellent Talents Program” selected four people, the Ministry of Education Professional Teaching Steering Committee 3, the national outstanding scientific and technological workers 4, China Youth Science and Technology Award 1, the “51” labor Guizhou Province, “one hundred talents plan,” a 10-level talent, “Guizhou Province, one hundred leading talent,” three people, Guizhou Province, the core experts of six people, the Guizhou Provincial People’s Procurator ate, 22 provincial specialists in Guizhou Province, 24 special recipients of the State Council, 23 winners of Provincial Government Special Allowance and 18 professors of Grade 2. There is one national-level teaching team, the Ministry of Education, Changjiang Scholar and Innovation Team development plan “1, In addition, the introduction of flexible domestic and foreign well-known experts and scholars, academicians, Nobel Laureate 24 people as visiting professor. The school has 9 key disciplines at the provincial level, provincial key disciplines 4, the State Health Commission clinical key construction specialist 4, postdoctoral scientific research station 1, a discipline doctorate authorization 1, two subject doctorate Authorized 10 points, a disciplinary master’s degree authorization 6, two disciplines master’s degree authorization 47, professional master’s degree authorization 5. There are 2 national experimental teaching demonstration centers, 7 provincial experimental teaching demonstration centers, 22 national and provincial scientific research platforms and 20 scientific research innovation teams at all levels. Among them, the National Engineering Technology Research Center (co-built) 1 (National Engineering Research Center) 2, the Ministry of Education Key Laboratory (Center) 3, the provincial key laboratories (center, base) 3, is a national pesticide registration of toxicological test units and the State Level drug clinical trial institutions.

2011-2015, won the national, provincial and ministerial level scientific research achievement award 34, including the national science and technology progress prize 1, Guizhou province science and technology progress award 3, second prize 9; commitment to various types of scientific research at all levels 1613 projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of key projects, the National Science and Technology Support Program, the Ministry of Science and Technology major projects, the Ministry of Science and Technology International Science and Technology Cooperation Project, the National Natural Science Fund and other national research projects 170, published 3490 academic papers.

Schools to play medical, teaching, research advantages, and actively serve the community. In the endemic disease research, traditional Chinese medicine research and development of national medicine, tissue engineering stem cell bio medical research, pathogenic biology research, scientific research achievements in areas such as outstanding achievements, striking results. The establishment of the province’s largest medical service system, there are directly affiliated hospital 9 (3 under construction), non-affiliated hospital 10, 11 teaching hospitals. And Guiyang City signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement, and the letter state group, Yi Bai pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical and other enterprises to carry out cooperation, a large number of scientific research results has been converted applications. Since the school has accumulated more than 50,000 graduates, of which more than 5,000 graduate students; 2011-2015, primary health care workers to accept various types of training programs, training 138,415 total number of people, including through job training and job training, training qualified Of 4734 general practitioners.

The school attaches great importance to foreign exchanges and cooperation, is the University of Suzhou counterparts to help colleges and universities, and the United States, Britain, Japan, Korea and Taiwan more than 30 countries and regions, high-level universities and research institutions to establish cooperative education and scientific research cooperation; The Ministry of Science and Technology international scientific and technological cooperation base, the establishment of the Sino-US, Sino-British joint laboratories. Since 2008, the school co-sponsored the ASEAN Education Week Medical Education Forum, the China Association for Science and Technology China-US clinical transformation of the Medical Forum. 2013 start international student education.

In 2015, the school changed its name to Guizhou Medical University, Guizhou University of Medicine initiative, the successful integration of Guizhou Province, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Natural Products Chemistry Key Laboratory, serving Guizhou “big health” strategy to set up a large health college, comprehensive strength has been further enhanced. School development has entered a new starting point, began a new journey.

For the future, Guizhou Medical University has always been adhering to the “sincerity in ourselves, loyal to the group, respect to thinking,” the motto, and pursuing a “medical sincere” spirit, adhere to the “cultural school, quality school, talent strong school, “The school idea, and strive to build” has obvious characteristics, the western first-class, at home and abroad influential high-level medical university.”

Campus Address: 9 Beijing Road, Guiyang, Guizhou 550004 China.

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